Motorola President Rick Osterloh has confirmed that the manufacturer has no plans to launch a tablet running with Android. The executive had already informed through his Twitter account that the Moto X 2015 should arrive in September and it seems that this has become the official channel for news related to the company’s products.
- Moto X 2015: launch should take place in September
When it comes to tablets, Motorola throws responsibility to Lenovo. / © ANDROIDPIT
In response to the question about Motorola investing in tablets in 2015, Osterloh stated that when it comes to tablets, the manufacturer has no plan, but Lenovo offers a wide range of products, such as Yoga, for example. Looking at the executive’s statement, it is possible to say that the tablet market is the responsibility of Lenovo, the company of which Motorola is part.
.@broota_sumer @Motorola On Tablets, we don’t have any plans, but @lenovo has lots of great offerings here (e.g., Yoga). #AskRickO
— Rick Osterloh (@rosterloh)
25 March 2015
In motorola’s portfolio, we have the XOOM (1 and 2) and the DROID Xyboard 10.1, but nothing has been announced in the last two years. In 2013, rumors about the manufacturer put on the market a tablet with the same customization characteristics of the Moto line, through Moto Maker (in certain regions). However, Rick Osterloh seems to have put an end to this story.
- Opinion: the tablet market goes from bad to worse!
It’s really a shame to see Motorola not investing in new tablets and fostering this market that has been walking a tightrope in recent months. However, let’s not forget that Lenovo – owner of Motorola – was one of the only manufacturers to have significant growth in the tablet market in 2014. Thus, it is quite likely that the Chinese company will maintain the investment in the manufacture of tablets itself, without involving the brand “Moto”.
And then, in your opinion, is Motorola right to put aside the manufacture of tablets to focus on the development of smartphones and other accessories? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Rick Osterloh – Twitter
Cell phones