Want to give a special touch to your messages on Telegram? How about highlighting phrases and words with effects like bold, italic or even scratching words. Learn how to format your messages in the app with this quick guide!


Telegram follows in its mission as one of the most popular alternatives to WhatsApp. At least in terms of resources, Telegram does not owe anything close to the competition, including the option of formatting texts. If you want to highlight bold words or phrases, write in italics or throughput (scratched), of course this is possible and we teach you how to apply the effects.

Telegram for iOS and Android

Telegram offers more than one way to format texts. The easiest option is to use the context menu. The screenshots were taken with the Android version, but it works almost identically for iOS:

Method 1: Formatting by context menu

Menu can be activated both in the top bar and in the context menu / ©

  1. Type the desired text in the message field;
  2. Tap the desired word or phrase for a few moments;
  3. In the bar that appears, the formatting options are offered, in addition to the traditional Copy and Paste;
    1. Formatting options may not be displayed, depending on the device and screen settings (resolution, etc.);
  4. To check all options, tap the button on ⋮ (to the right of the menu or in the upper right corner of the screen);
  5. Select from options: Bold, Italic, Mono, Showthrough, Underscore, Create Link, and Regular;
  6. After editing, just send the message.

Method 2: Editing text manually

Directly format the text is a little more complicated and less complete. In this case, you simply define the desired text area with certain special characters to turn it into bold, monospace, or similar. Learn about the options:

Formatting bold text

If you want to highlight the bold text, place two asterisks before and after the text:

** Two asterisks for writing in bold**

Write in italics

If you want to write in italics, just put two underlines before and after the desired area:

__Dois underlined to write in itálico__

Captioned/scratched text

If you want to cross out a word or phrase from the text, you can do so with the tilde. Just repeat it twice before and after the desired stretch:

~~Two tis/tiles for writing on beading~~


Monospace text is one that uses a fixed width of characters, as well as in old typing machines. To use the option in Telegram, you need to put a crase before and after the word:

‘A crase to write in monospace’

Manually formatting can give you a little more work, depending on your keyboard setting on mobile/ ©

As you’ve probably noticed, there are fewer options in manual form than in the context menu. Link creation and underlined text, for example, can only be used from the menu as described in method 1. If you use Telegram in the desktop version, the default shortcuts like CTRL+B or CMD+B to format the marked text in bold also work, but respects the english language shortcuts (unlike Word in Portuguese). Just press the key below along with CTRL (Windows/Linux) or CMD (Mac):

  • B – bold;
  • I – italics;
  • U – underlined
  • Shift+X – beaded/scratched;
  • Shift+M – monospace.

Now just look at the text and show your telegram dominance. If you have any questions about the messaging app, leave a comment below.


