New Chrome experience in Android
Google is moving upmarket with its latest feature: To play the entire page audio a link with the label “Listen to this page” is provided. Presented only a week ago on Chrome for Android, it will change the paradigm of how to work with Web page. For this new feature, which consists of reading the content of web pages orally, it is obvious that this has an added value in terms of accessibility.

Have playback control with that little thing that you hold in your hand
Such a feature like Podcast controls can be discovered in the three-dot menu situated at the top right of the Chrome app. It provides the control such as play, pause, forward or backward by 10 seconds, and even adjust the speed of the video. However, it is not still for all websites.

The number of supported languages here can hardly be enumerated.
The feature is desired to be universal and comes with an option of reading in English, French, German, Arabic, Hindi and Spanish. It also has four United States language options with very different voices and two from Great Britain. This new tool is accompanied by the bringing of focus to the text as it is being read through the highlighting of the words. Ease of use enhanced still further since the control bar does not disappear when other application tabs are opened. Furthermore, if you close the screen while Chrome is still active at the background, the music will play on.

A gradual deployment
Implemented into the Chrome 125 version, this release is introduced gradually. Patience thus becomes the cry of the moment because this may still not be available in your home despite its newness. It is worth to mention that Google Assistant can read web pages aloud for quite a while now. Still, the aforementioned new feature provides an engaging option for the users.