Bluesky gets short videos

Taking an opportunity from Threads and Elon Musk’s X platform and an opportunity as an alternative social network, Bluesky is now allowing its users to download their videos. This new feature adds another perspective to the platform making it near to the existing rivals.

Limits to avoid abuse

But there are certain limitations set in uploading the videos in Bluesky. Indeed:

Videos must not exceed 1 minute.

Every user has a privilege to upload a maximum of twenty-five videos in a single day.

Videos start playing as soon as they are loaded into the page by default however one can change this by configuring the settings.

These measures are to discourage people to misuse the platform to the fullest and use it right.

Hence, the platform has to be secure and yet easily accessible to cater to the ever rising public and repeated use by the same audiences.

Bluesky is safe and secure for users who go through the email check for the videos are downloaded and do not allow any infringing content. Thirdly, in order not to disseminate materials containing child sexual abuse, each of the videos is reviewed by Hive and Thorn services.

It also can play most of the common video formats such as. mp4, . mpeg, . webm, and . mov files. It is also relevant that the users can turn subtitles on and attach them to every video published on the website, which is a pleasant addition.

Constant growth

Besides the downloading of the videos, Bluesky has recently added the direct messages characteristic, which is absent in Threads. While it is a distant third to X and Threads, the platform is growing, and massive numbers of users from Brazil joined the site after X banned from the country.