Apple and Google combine their forces to ban intrusive tracking via air-tethered bluetooth with a new joint initiative. This move is due to raise concern over some Bluetooth track devices which may be used with an intention to track people secretly.

It has been launched as a product of cooperation between the two technologies systems and is going to be included in the iOS as well as the Android OS. It will help a user notice the presence of unauthorized Bluetooth tracking devices in its environment and get notified of their presence. Due to the availability of these social networking sites, this feature will potentially provide considerable security to all classes of users.

Other trackers those similar to Apple’s AirTags or similar gadgets from other manufactures are intended as devices to assist people in locating their possessions. However, these devices have their negative side and they may be used for evil purposes as in staking or monitoring against the wish of the targeted person. The new cross-platform functionality is established to help reduce these risks by coming up with real-time notices and useful information for the users.

It is sought from this symbiosis of Apple and Google that has asserted how privacy and security are key in today’s technology driven environment. With this combined effort, they will help create a new level of protection for users that makes clear that Bluetooth tracking technology is not a threat to privacy or security, but rather a tool that may have significant positive implications for consumers.

As this feature continues to evolve, users would be able to enjoy improved features of managing their security features for personal safety. Collectively, this development can be considered as a significant advancement in the ongoing campaign against unwanted tracking and the primary achievement shows that the protection of user privacy is a common concern for both operating systems.