Google and Artificial Intelligence: an ever-evolving symbiosis
The internet behemoth, Google, has just released a set of large updates to come about increasing the use of artificial intelligence in its search function. Google announces new AI features, which are AI-powered search suggestions, the new version of Google Lens, links and ads as parts of AI Previews, among others.

Redesigned search results
The company aims at using artificial intelligence to filter through its search results and even though they are starting off slow, one can assume that in the near future, all search results will be filtered this way. The ball will be initiated with recipes of cooking and ideas to cook. Google offers a number of related search results, so the given search gives one a full page experience of what is available. Such pages, created by AI, will contain the “web points of views” in the form of articles, videos and forums.

Google Lens and AI Previews: What’s new now?
For mobile, there is one long-standing feature, Google Lens that gets updates: It is a seven-year-old visual search software. From now on, it will be possible to research via video and voice Having to employ such questions: ‘Sociologically intricate questions about moving images can be asked’.. For instance, when you look at fish in a tank and want to call your friend’s attention to your observation, you can ask them “Why do the fish swim together?” and the AI will inform on the species and their respective actions.

Search by voice is also benefiting from the updates, so are the AI Previews you get above the regular search results. Google is adding a new full-link rich structure with “even greater links to help web pages” into this section. It is also expected that ads in AI Previews will also be introduced soon, an unavoidable decision, according to the company.

Google Lens: an improved shopping tool
In addition to these updates, Google Lens is also improving its shopping capabilities. Visual product search is described by the company as “dramatically more helpful” than its previous version. AI results will now include essential information about the product you’re looking for, including reviews, prices at different retailers, and where to buy.